Friday, February 11, 2011



For Black History Month, the EmilioPrud'homme Traveling Theatre is presenting a twenty minute one act contemporary tale of a young boy conflicted between playing and being carefree most of the time, therefore forfeiting responsibility for himself and his community, and not aspiring to reach measurable goals that could greatly enhance his chances of becoming successful in the future. Without thoughful, and careful planning, success cannot possibly be obtain. Part of that planning involves being educated.

Young Hassan must choose being with his friends, wasting valuable antithetical time better suited in preparing for the attainment of his goals, to finishing his schoolwork on a timely fashion, therefore progrssively obtaining the tools which will later develop in him the discipline for later success.

What will Hassan choose? What will be the outcome of his actions? Can he go back and "undo" his mistakes? What will be the "cost" of his actions? And what price will he be willing to pay?

How can we help Hassan? What information can we provide to Hassan about his Ancestry that will convince him of his greateness? What, in his behavior, can we point out that will attest to this fact?

This is one of our most favorite productions because it engages the audience from the beginning and takes them through a journey, an antithetical journey of "possibilities." It "taps" into that part of our psyche which harbors the child in us. No inhibitions, restraints, or doubts exist to "mar" and "blur" the sense impressions. Childhood is precious-moreso than we, as adults, are willing to admit.

What is the lesson? We can be children, aimless even, but with a defiinitive goal-ALWAYS SET IN MIND. This is what we are teaching. This generation of children (from pre-K to sixth grade, or those born between 1998 to 2008) are extremely "autocratic," even "autonomous." This is not a "bad" thing, positively speaking, but it DOES require a more "visual approach" to teaching and learning.

As a former educator myself (district 75/95 of the NYC Board of Education), I have seen the different generational "shifts" in consciousness in our children. This has occurred due to the acelerated dissipation of our environmental "boundaries" sprung forth by the information age.
let's face it! Between the internet, iphones and blackberries (and everybody has one-Even I had to get with the "program"!), our children are more exposed and therefore "desensitized" to the point that more ingenuity is require to reach our children-at the most basic levels of interpersonal relating.

People don't talk face to face, or to each other anymore-if not through a machine. We must make sure that the human element of interpersona communication is not obliterated by the advent of computers and sophisticated cell phones and the like.

As we move closer and closer to the "Aquarian Age" we must begin teaching the concept of globalization and human accountability to each other; to the one, and the whole. By helping one person, we are further advancing and propelling humanity forward.

It begins first, with the individual....This is our message for Black History Month throughout all NYC Public Elementary Schools

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