Tuesday, March 2, 2010


The Emilio Prudhomme Traveling Theatre, Inc. is a nonprofit multicultural arts organization, created to meet the cultural and artistic needs, of an already, seriously under served community, primarily: Washington Heights/Inwood and Marbel Hill.

Secondly, the organization is also designed to be a link across its upper Manhattan borders and promote cultural and artistic development throughout New York City  and the immediate tri-state area. Although the New York Public School System, local community colleges, universities, as well as other arts organizations (i.e. "Pregones", in the Bronx, Pied Piper Theatre, Washington Heights, The Puerto Rican Traveling Theatre, in Spanish Harlem, Blackberry Productions in Central Harmlem, Black Spectrum Theatre in Queens, The Renaissance Theatre, in Binghamton, NY, The Riant Theatre, in the Bronx, and afew others), are well suited to prvide basic, foundational principles concerning the art of theatre, more needs to be done. A comprehensive curricula must be developed to encompass every ethnicity, every socioeconomic group, sectarian as well as non sectarian groups, and a cultural history of such groups.

The Emilio Prudhomme Traveling Theatre has developed such a curricula, which we hope, other arts organizations, as well as educational institutions, will emulate or derive similar curricula.

The curriculum design addresses the three paradigms of social development: childhood, adolescence, and adulthoood.

CHILDHOOD: (ages 7-12); By developing a comprehensive anthology of children's fairytales, myths, and oral traditions based on the rich inner worlds that are often experienced through children's imaginations, we are able to mold, enrich, and fortify children's inner resources, so as to promote a positive direction towards the road to adolescence.

ADOLESCENCE: (ages 13-21); The adolescent experience is a randomization of collective "interactions". This is very important to understand, beacuse, unlike children (which are also interactive), adolescents go through a series of "discoveries" whose "reference point" (unlike children) is not the parents, but their peers. The "conscious" socialization process begins in the phase of adolescence. In order to responsibly lead this group into a positive direction, The Emilio Prudhomme Traveling Theatre will employ improvisational techniques and tools by providing simulated (life experience) scenarious for the adolescent to learn from-thus preparing him/her for the challenges that awaits him/her in adulthood.

YOUNG ADULTHOOD: (ages 21-To Primary); According to psychologists, sociologists,  other social science professionals-including educators of all disciplines, all seem to agree that the process to psychological adulthood is (or should) be completed by age thirty (primary). The antithetical stage of development or tincture (as is often referred in research) closes (the end of "innocence"), and the primary tincture opens (a calling to  responsibility is steadily increasing and sought, by taking ones place in society).

However, there is a "gray area" here: the process of maturity never coalesces as smoothly as we would like. The road to adulthood is almost always followed by either a "crisis in action" or a "crisis in consciousness". The process is always difficult, challenging, and painful. This is what's termed "growing pains".

This "gray area" or "window" in which these experiences seem to take momentum has been identified to occur within ages 21 to 29  (although I personally believe it to encompass ages 21 to 33).

The Emilio Prudh'homme Traveling Theatre will engage in seasonal productions dealing with social issues relevant to the current reality of the times. Productions which closely mirror the perspective of its current society will be the preferred "properties" (for adolescence and children's theatre as well).

Our organization has developed several strategic alliances with various institutions, organizations, and businesses that will assist or have assited in the financial sustainability of the company, therefore, ensuring its success.

The Theatre engages in seasonal, as well as year round fundraising campaigns to fund its projects.  The organization also relies on community support in the form of quarterly donations (every three months), local business sponsorship-both private and corporate, and patron pledges (twice per year).

The Organization also incurrs revenue by seasonal ticket sales for all theatrical performances througout the year. An educational workshop series (16wk workshop) as well as acting classes, coaching classes and private lessons.

The Emilio Prud'homme Traveling Theatre has also designed a complete marketing strategy accentuating several products and services to further sustain its current operations. Surveys, polls, questionnaires, and interviewing are some of the tools employed to assess community needs.

The organization has also developed an extensive volunteers program designed, along with the board, to execute fundraising objectives, advertising, and lobbying for the prupose of establishing presence in the community, and also address constituent concerns.

A Youth Advisory Committee act as an honorary board to its youth population, not just for those involve with the organization, but for all youths in present and nearby communities as well.

Collaboration with civic organizations, offices of elected oficials, and the local precints (33 and 34) will ensure that our goals and objectives are met with full community and municipal support.

We are currently developing tools to evaluate program peformance and efficiency in order to secure measurable outcomes. These measurments will be qualitative as well as quantitative in nature; their aim is to substantiate and validate community needs (in reference to the arts).

Lastly, we encourage private, as well as prublic "full sponsorship productins" of any of our registered or unregistered "properties", as well as suggestions for future productions.


  1. finally we have a Dominican Theatre to represent our communities!

  2. Fernando E. Prudhomme's work deserves to be noticed for its positive impact on social consciousness through art of theater. Thank you!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Mr. Prudhomme's commitment and enthusiasm for his craft is refreshingly contagious. We are truly blessed to have him working so hard to impact the world around him for the better! I look forward to experiencing future endeavors brought forth by this visionary.
